Tuesday, April 24, 2007

In the Paper Today--Kidney Surgery and Drinking

There is just too much I would love to comment on in this article, so instead I have just decided to include the full text of the article and let you enjoy all of it. As a side note, expat non-Muslims are allowed to drink alcohol in Doha, but you have to be at a hotel or have a permit.

Qatari sentenced for drinking alcohol
A 46-year-old Qatari national who was drinking at home in peace was caught by the police and charged with consuming alcohol when he went out to a shop located nearby to buy something.

The man was unlucky as a patrol police van suddenly passing by the shop suspected that he was not walking properly and intercepted him. It appears that there were some cases filed against the man previously since the moment he walked into the courtroom, the chief judge told him that his face looked familiar.

The accused nodded in agreement, suggesting that he had indeed been to his court earlier. The judge sentenced the accused to 40 lashes, but the latter said he cannot stand this punishment since he had undergone a kidney operation.

The court then ordered a medical check-up after which, depending on the condition of the convict, the sentencing might or might not to be carried out.

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